How Can I Fix My Bad Credit Score?

In the middle of any major challenge, the last thing anyone needs to happen is to lose his/her access to much needed resources i.e. job, home, loved one, etc. Aa you know, unfortunately the loss of these things are more of a reality today than yesterday. I read an article the other day about women, more so than men, had to walk away from their jobs mostly because their children are now virtual learner's from home. What are we to do? Has 2020 been enough to make you sick and tired of depending on someone else to give you yours? What if you decided today to take control of your life? What if, during this pandemic, you took advantage of your free time by setting and accomplishing life changing goals? Like beginning with your financial portfolio? First... *** How Can I Fix My Bad Credit Score? Do you know that in 2021, the economy and job market will...will not resemble anything you are accustomed to? For those of us who decide on getting our credit...