
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Reflection of Neediness: Have You Ever Been This Angry?

Some times in life, no matter how much you pray and/or meditate, there are going to be things that happen to steal your joy.  Curve balls are going to fly your way.  In fact, it is my belief that those things only come along to see how hard they can push your gas pedal.  I truly believe little demonic minions are spawn by Satan himself to do more than kill, steal, and destroy.  These little nothings are sent from hell to send you and me right to the front row seat of Anger Management :-) It's so disheartening to know this.  It's so disheartening to keep a sunny disposition when we know any given time, the grim reaper will come to not collect just yet but to poke holes in everything that is good.  Whenever you get too comfortable living your best life, smiling at the world, singing while cleaning the house, dancing while fixing breakfast, and kissing your spouse good night those stories sadly end as stories do often right in the middle of th...

The Reflection of Neediness

                                                                 Pre Order ($13.99)                                                 Type in the title in the PayPal comments box Introduction: There is nothing new under the sun, not even your thoughts and feelings.  Know that you are not the first person to desire "good things".  You are not the first person to desire someone to love you.  God recognized this in the beginning and... Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone ; I will make him an help meet for him. Really and truly I could stop writing here because if you'd just take a moment to ponder on every word I stated...

The Power of Words and the Love of Money

The power of negative words especially when we are ignorant, broken and insecure can cause  life long heartache. That's the ultimate job of the enemy, to kill, steal, and destroy.  One thing we must keep in mind though, negative words can't take hold if we don't allow it. We possess the power to cancel all those words that mean us no good. On another note, many people do not realize that opening the door to certain things, especially because of the love of money, opens the door to hell all served on a silver platter. The love of money sent me on an emotional rollercoaster ride that almost killed me to. Most of us have stories like the story I have and like the one I'm sharing below. Please check it out. Thank God for mercy.